Security package error – Windows 10 RDP

About the issue Users of the Remote Desktop client (MSTSC), may experience a “Security package error occurred in the transport layer” message when the connection is configured to use a Remote Desktop Gateway.  This condition is likely to occur when the client workstation access the internet via a proxy server. The HTTP Protocol The Remote…

Internet Explorer JavaScript not working

On the Service Desk where I work had an interesting problem with Internet Explorer.  What was happening was that the user was able to visit a site, but items on the site, like roll-over images and pop-up windows did not work.  Another thing that didn’t work was the Users Applet from the Control Panel. At first we…

Remove all profiles on startup

Occasionally Windows XP manages to stuff up its roaming profile, when this happens, resolving profile related problems can be difficult.  Schools running Community Connect 3 will benefit from the “Reset Profile” option in the System Management Console, however, profile problems may quickly return, as they often remain on several workstations. To help cure this problem…